Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

1.1.12 - Happy New Year!

I can't believe it's 2012.  Man, life is going by me so fast.  I really want to embrace these good times.  New Year's Day AM, my parents came over to have dduk gook for breakfast.  But first, the girls did the traditional 'Seh-beh' to the grandparents.  I love how Crx and I try to preserve the little Korean culture we know.  We really do our best to show the girls to respect our culture.

Sehbeh to Halmoni and Halabuji

Penny and Daddy spent some time making origami stars together.  She learned it so quickly and started making more by herself!

Sehbeh to Halmoni and Halabuji
Sehbeh to Big Halmoni

During Pepper's nap Penny and Daddy played a short 9 hole golf at Montclair.  She plays so well and her form looks awesome.  If she keeps it up, she can get a college scholarship.  We plan to put her in some tournaments this year and see how she does.  Penny wants a trophy so bad.
Look at that form!
Hot chocolate treat!
Golf buddies

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