Friday, January 27, 2012

A Fun Day

1.27.12 - A Fun Day

Penny's school was closed for Staff Development Day and so she got to go to Daddy's work.  She loves going to his office.  She even has her own little office that he made for her.  Penny and Daddy always get Pho or a sandwich from The Melt.  Today, she got a sandwich and tomato soup for lunch, her favorite!

After lunch, they left work early and headed to Concord to practice the golf course there.  Penny will be in her first golf tournament there on Feb 12th!  She's nervous and excited about it.  We'll be proud of her if she can finish her first tournament.  So she's gotta practice, practice, practice!

After Pepper got out of school, I thought I'd take her to Outside Park where we played hide n seek, school, and went high up on the swing.  She had fun.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

PJ Day and Ice Skating!

1.26.12 - PJ Day and Ice Skating!

Today, Penny got to wear her PJs to school for their first school spirit day.  Pepper has been wanting PJ day too so we tried not to make a big deal about this fun day.  Penny wore her favorite purple heart PJs.

Penny and her buddy Mia

Right after school, we had an ice-skating playdate with Ryan and Nicole.  It was also the last day we would ice skate until they opened up again in December.  The girls had so much fun and it was so empty that it was easier to move around the rink.

Pepper relaxing on the seal
Go Penny go!

Saturday, January 21, 2012


1.21.12 - MOCHA

Nathan had his 6th birthday at MOCHA and the girls had fun showing their creative talent again.  They spent most of their time painting and eating!


Thursday, January 19, 2012

RHS Family Art Night

1.19.12 - RHS Family Art Night

This was the first year we participated in the RHS Family Art Night.  All the families who came got to paint wooden boards which will be placed on the outside walls of the Art building.  The girls love painting so it was a perfect opportunity for them to share their talent with everyone for many years to come.

Monday, January 16, 2012

MLK Jr Day

1.16.12 - MLK Jr Day

The girls and Daddy had the day off from school and work.  Mommy had to go into work, though.  But it was nice to have Daddy spend some time with them alone.  In the morning, Daddy and I were woken up by a nice surprise downstairs.  They had made us breakfast all by themselves.  How sweet is that?!
Storefront sign of restaurant

After I came home from work, we met up with Ellia and Cameron to go ice skating in Alameda.  It was so crowded due to the holiday.  We almost didn't get to ice skate because all the skates were rented out.  But we got super lucky and the sizes we all needed returned and the kids got to go!  Penny is getting so much better and Pepper wanted to skate all by herself.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Daddy on a business trip

1.12.12 - Daddy on a business trip

Every year this time, Daddy goes away to Las Vegas for CES for 5 days.  We all wish he didn't have to go, but Daddy has to make money for the family.  Every morning, Pepper asks where Daddy is because she doesn't quite understand that he's away.  They sure miss him though.  We made a pillow stuffed Daddy and the girls come and say Hi and kiss him every morning.  It's pretty funny and cute.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Pepper at the Zoo

1.7.12 - Pepper at the Zoo

We took Pepper to the Zoo today while Penny was at Korean school (her reading and writing has improved so much!). Of course she went on the Tiger Ride and she actually looked like she had fun this time!  I feel bad sometimes that Pepper doesn't get to do anything fun outside of school.  Penny has after school programs, golf lessons, musical theater/drama, and piano lessons.  I think in the summer, I'll enroll Pepper in a ballet class.  She's really into ballet these days.  All Pepper wants to wear is her new tutu and ballet shoes, given to her by Penny.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Daisy Meeting

1.6.12 - Daisy Meeting

I finally got to attend and help at one of the Daisy meetings.  I never get to go because I have Pepper with me but today Kristin had no helpers and she asked if I could give her a hand.  So Pepper got to go!  She was very good and behaved like a big girl.  I was very proud of her.

Making crafts
Closing circle

Monday, January 2, 2012

Pepper turns 37 months and PenPep Day!

1.2.12 - Pepper turns 37 months and PenPep Day!

Penny declared that January 2nd would be the official PenPep Day.  It is a day where they call the shots.  They get to do and eat whatever they want.  So, we started the day with bagels at breakfast.

37 months old

PenPep Day breakfast

We then pretty much lounged around in our PJs all morning. We did get to see a very cute puppet show at the 'Pepper Theater'.  They're so cute when they make-believe and play well together.  I was pretty tired so I took at nap with Pepper but Penny and Crx made some ginger cookies together!  They were tasty!   We somehow got Penny and Pepper to vacuum the carpet on their PenPep Day... not sure how?!  They both did a great job.  The room looks nice and clean.  Thank you!


Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

1.1.12 - Happy New Year!

I can't believe it's 2012.  Man, life is going by me so fast.  I really want to embrace these good times.  New Year's Day AM, my parents came over to have dduk gook for breakfast.  But first, the girls did the traditional 'Seh-beh' to the grandparents.  I love how Crx and I try to preserve the little Korean culture we know.  We really do our best to show the girls to respect our culture.

Sehbeh to Halmoni and Halabuji

Penny and Daddy spent some time making origami stars together.  She learned it so quickly and started making more by herself!

Sehbeh to Halmoni and Halabuji
Sehbeh to Big Halmoni

During Pepper's nap Penny and Daddy played a short 9 hole golf at Montclair.  She plays so well and her form looks awesome.  If she keeps it up, she can get a college scholarship.  We plan to put her in some tournaments this year and see how she does.  Penny wants a trophy so bad.
Look at that form!
Hot chocolate treat!
Golf buddies