Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Girl Scout Troop #33923 Sleepover!


I went back and forth a million times trying to figure out if I should let you do your first sleepover with your troop. It was the night before the Shoreline tournament in Mountain View and it was supposed to rain. Daddy finally made the decision to just let you go and have fun. I'm glad you went because you did really well the next day. You were tied for 1st place through 1-8 holes!  One lousy triple bogey got you 2nd but we couldn't be more proud of you!  Glad you got to do the sleepover and win 2nd at the tournament. You're a rock star!

Saturday, January 2, 2016

PenPep Day 2016

For PenPep day the girls got to eat corned beef hash for breakfast. I tried to get black ramen but Safeway didn't have any in stock. You guys were still really happy to get corned beef hash. We played a quick round at the MIF and then he dinner with auntie Kristin's family. We ended the night watching the new Peanuts movie in our bed. Since you didn't get to pick dinner we'll let you pick dinner tomorrow!

Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy new year 2016

We accidentally let the girls stay up to midnight to ring in the new year. We went over to the Furuichi-Fongs and kept missing the count downs so we just stayed until it was our real count down. 2016 should be an interesting year. My main concern is finding a new permanent home for us and saying good bye to the best house I've ever known. I know we are in good hands and have faith that we will find something perfect for us. Here's to a new exciting year!