Thursday, March 28, 2013


3.28.13 - I really wanted the girls to get one last snow play this winter so we brought the girls to a really fun kid friendly snow park, called Kid Planet at Soda Springs Resort.  It was geared towards kids 8 and under so it was perfect for us!  There was a bunny slope for skiing or snowboarding, a hill for sledding and a cool sled carousel too.  The girls were AWESOME at snowboarding!  I was so amazed at how well they did.  Pepper who'd never ever even been on skiis or a snowboard didn't fall down the very first time she went down the hill!  It was also really empty because it was on/off rain and also it was spring snow so not ideal.  But it was perfect because the place was practically empty!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Jelly Belly Factory Tour!

3.27.13 - On our way to Tahoe, we drove past the Jelly Belly factory in Fairfield and decided to make a U-turn and go check it out!  It was SUPER crowded due to Spring Break, but the girls were excited to eat jelly beans.  They were well behaved and we all had a good time.  Look at Daddy!

Saturday, March 16, 2013


3.16.13 - Ryan and Penny have known each other from 'Old School' since they were 4 months old.  They went to Treehouse together and now go to church together.  If they continue to stay friends, they'll have known each other longer than any friend I've ever known.  I hope they don't lose touch and remain friends.  This is from Ryan's 8th Bday party.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Month 51 and lots of celebrations

3.2.12 - 51 months old already?!  My baby is growing up too fast.  You're still super cuddly and sweet.  Please don't change!

We celebrated Ellia's bday today too.  You sure love to dance.  It's so sweet to watch you dance around.  I hope you and Ellia stay friends forever like me and her mommy.

You broke the pinata!!

And more celebrations!  After Ellia's bday, we drove down to Peasoup and met mommy's family to celebrate me and Uncle Josh's bdays.  Although Penny got really sick and curled up in the chair all night, it was still nice to see the family.