Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Penny's 6th loose tooth

09.26.12 - Penny lost her 6th tooth tonight.  Daddy helped yank it out.  He's so good at doing it.  I'm so scared to do it and hurt you!  But you're so brave Penny!

Sunday, September 23, 2012


09.23.12 - Today was a big day for the girls.  They both decided to have short haircuts.  Pepper wasn't too thrilled about it at first but you were brave, Pepper.  You did so good and your new hair looks so pretty.  Penny chopped off her hair (to her chin!) and she made the right choice because you look so cute! 

Not so happy :(

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Such a helpful daughter

09.22.12 - Pepper loves helping me wash the dishes, setting the table or getting things for me.  I think it makes her feel 'big' and independent.  Today was the first time you helped me wash dishes.  And you did a great job!  Thank you for being so helpful Pepper.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A new Brownie

09.18.12 - Tonight Penny attended her first Brownie meeting.  She has done 2 whole years in Girl Scouts and I think enjoys being in a 'secret club'.  We're proud of you, Penny!

Arts n Crafts with Pepper

09.18.12 - Tonight Pepper and I did a fun art project together from a bday gift she received on her 3rd birthday.  It was nice spending time with her.  Sometimes it gets a bit crazy and I'm unable to spend quality time with each of them.  I had a lot of fun being creative with you!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Birthday Celebrations at Peasoup Andersons

09.15.12 - Our family loves to spend birthdays at Peasoup so that we can spend time with Auntie Gina and Uncle Josh, James and Jason.  It's right in the middle of our homes so it's a perfect place to meet.  Tonight we celebrate Halmoni and Halabuhji's bdays.  They love you girls so much.  I hope you can remember them and how much they adore you both.

First Soccer Game of Fall 2012

09.15.12 -  Today was Penny's First soccer game of the Fall season.  She's really starting to understand the game and is improving so much.  I'm not sure why you like soccer because I don't think you like to run, but you're still trying your best and being a good team player.  Proud you of Penny.

Penny is a great goalie

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First Day of Pre-K

09.04.12 - Pepper started Pre-K at Treehouse today.  She has been waiting for this day since before the summer!  Even though she's the youngest student in her class, she is so bright and loves to learn.  I can't believe you're already in Pre-K.  I hope you are making new friends and learning a lot.

Seahorse grad!

09.04.12 - Today when we arrived at swim lessons, Pepper received her Seahorse ribbon!  You are an awesome swimmer and you deserve this ribbon!  We are so proud of what you have accomplished already at 3 1/2 years old.  Good job, Pepper, our big Goldfish now!

Monday, September 3, 2012

A's game on Labor Day

09.03.12 - We took Penny and Pepper to their first A's game of the 2012 season.  We met up with Vince and Allison and the kids and Daniel and Aimee too.  They were awesome seats.  The girls, of course, filled their tummies with your standard coliseum junk food: ice cream, cracker jacks, and cotton candy.  I hope to bring them to more A's games so they follow me and Crx's footsteps and carry on the tradition.

how cute is she
The A's welcome the Chai family!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Family Golf

09.02.12 - Golfing with the grownups

Penny's golf game is getting so good that she's able to keep up with Daddy and Halabuhji.  The three of them have gone out to Monarch Bay twice now and Penny has golfed almost as good as them!  My dad has played for 25+ years and she's not far behind.  I hope you're having fun with them because I know they enjoying spending time with you.  Please remember good times like this.

Month 45

09.02.12 - I wish I could slow down time.  You are 45 months old today!  I think you look so beautiful in this picture.  You are an angel and we all love you Pepper.

Month 45