Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Eve 2011

12.31.11 - New Year's Eve 2011

New year's eve day was low key.  The girls got to lounge around the house in the PJs and watch TV.  That evening, however, we spent an awesome night at the FF's.  Food was delicious and the FF's are good people.  We really enjoy their company!

Happy New Year girls!  I hope you had a wonderful 2011!  Mommy and Daddy love you so much.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Dim Sum with Friends and First Sleepover

12.30.11 - Dim Sum with Friends and First Sleepover

After piano lessons in the AM, we had dim sum at East Ocean with Ryan and Nicole.  Although we didn't have a special day 'out', the girls had a special night 'in'.  They both had asked about sleeping in each others' room and so it seemed like a perfect way to end another special day.  They were so good too.  Even though Pepper didn't fall asleep until 10 pm! she was at least quiet and didn't bother Penny who had fallen asleep right away.  
Pepper and Nicole at Dimsum
Ryan and Penny at Dimsum

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Bowling with the FF's and the Hopkins!

12.29.11 - Bowling with the FF's and the Hopkins!

It was cold and windy outside today so it was perfect when we got invited to go bowling in Alameda.  I think Penny really enjoyed herself.  She even won the first game!  You go Penny!  It was so cute how she bowled.  After she let go of the bowling ball, she would jump up and down.  Every time.  It was so cute.  Pepper really had fun bowling.  She was so proud of herself.  Every night she asks if she bowled well.  How funny is that?!


Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Mini trip to Monterey/Santa Cruz

12.27.11 - Mini trip to Monterey/Santa Cruz

We thought it'd be just as much fun if we took a mini trip down the coast to Monterey and Santa Cruz.  Penny really just loves sleeping in hotels anyway so we thought a trip to the aquarium and the Boardwalk would be fun.  Our first stop was the Monterey Bay Aquarium.  We spent the whole day looking at all the exotic sea life.  My favorites, personally, were the penguins and seahorses.

Drive down to Monterey


Watching penguins



12.28.11 - Head to Santa Cruz Boardwalk

In the morning the girls lounged around the hotel, watched TV and we took our time to check out at 11.  After we checked out, we took a little walk towards Cannery Row and stopped by the cutest candy store.


Then after lunch, we stopped by the Dennis the Menace park in Monterey.  That was a cool park.  It was huge and even had a train for kids to climb on.  My favorite was the maze.




Around naptime, we decided to make our short 45 min trip to Santa Cruz Boardwalk.  Since it was the Winter schedule, pretty much most of the rides were closed.  We warned the girls not to expect too much, but it was a little disappointing to be there, looking at all the rides but not getting to ride on them.  But they were troopers and didn't complain too much.  Overall, a really good time.